Rabu, 01 Maret 2017

Vampire Virus Human

The main reason real vampirism is not more widely believed is the failure of the general public to understand exactly what the virus which produces the condition actually is, or how it functions. Most people do not understand, or believe, that human DNA can be altered in such a way as to produce such a being.
Actually, many things can alter a person's normal DNA. Drugs such as LSD and Thalidomide cause DNA changes and many viruses can change the DNA in a single gene. A combination of these altered genes can change the over all DNA of a living human.
The term 'vampire' as used on this site as a medical term, must be separated from the vampire myths. A Viral Vampire is an infected human. Though the DNA in the host human has been greatly altered, the organism remains human in the medical sense as the number of chromosomes has not been changed.
All humans, in fact the entire human race, have the same number of chromosomes. The number of chromosomes is what makes them human (except for those born with Down's Syndrome. These people have an extra chromosome but are, of course, human).
Technically the vampire is still a human, but for sake of discussion we think of viral vampires as non-human or as the next step up in human evolution. This is difficult to believe because many of the attributes of a vampire are, well, considered to be better and more developed than humans'. The strength, speed, enhanced mental and/or psychic abilities, the ability to digest human and other blood more efficiently are but a few of the differences. The reason this happens is the basic human DNA is altered by the virus. The virus, we call it V5 is NOT the same virus as HIV5. To simplify, it is transmitted through a simple infection.

This infection is gained either through birth or infection from one who has the virus and passes it on. The child inherits the infection, passed on from the mother or father. The parent may have picked up the virus from some other member of their family such as a cousin, aunt, brother, etc., and thus the infection is passed on to the newborn child. Rarely are both parents infected, i.e., vampires themselves. More often, they are carriers of the virus, in a similar manner to the way a red haired child is born to a family who, for several generations, have been all blond.


The passing of the virus to the child from the parent produces an Inheritor Vampire child. The V5 is passed on to the newborn much the same way the AIDS virus is passed from mother to child. In such a child, the virus remains dormant until the catalyst of the onset of puberty. The release of hormones is believed to activate the virus system.

The effects of the V5 virus then takes a number of years, as the child develops, to be completely effective, i.e., active in the system from its previously dormant state in the child's body. As in any infection, the child's immune system tries to fight off the infection, and in many cases, if not most, it succeeds. It is also believed that the blood chemical make up of the individual is also responsible in determining if the child will be fully affected by the virus and thus DNA altered. Not all infected people develop the vampire virus, V5, and thus not everyone born with it becomes a vampire.

That is why we are not hip deep in real Inheritor vampires. The only other way to become a vampire is to be given the infection by someone already infected. This would make the person, the subject, a Classical. As with Inheritors, it takes Classicals quite a long time to develop the full blown virus once infected due to the same reasons; blood chemistry make up and the immune system. Also, not everyone who is exposed to the virus by a Classical will be a viable host for the virus.

There is also a theory that a person has to be genetically predisposed to V5.
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V5 is actually closely related to many other viruses such as the common flu virus and the AIDS virus. V5 is not the AIDS virus but works in much the same way as to infecting the host. Another reason the reality and cause of vampirism in today's modern world is not more widely believed is because not many members of the public or medical establishment know of the existence of V5.

Why don't they know of it? Because, like Ebola and other new illnesses such as the Flesh Eating Bacteria, which actually have not been named so far, as we do not know what they are as of this date. V5 has only been known for a relatively short time, many years to be sure, but in regard to other illnesses, a short time.

It has been many, many years now that several doctors in different parts of the USA and Europe have known about and been studying the V5 virus and its victims. The studies have been accomplished by long range, personal, one to one research with these infected people.

Why so secretive?

The same reason as with any other discovery. Once released, the doctors and researchers will gain money, fame and reputation. Not to mention grants, and the licensing of new drugs, etc. For the past few years, ImortalN and I have been telling people of the existence of the virus and explaining the ''what and why'' of this illness. We have compared it to other historical illnesses believed to be the cause of vampires in the past.

A few years ago, it was discovered that V5 is related to the AIDS virus. We began telling people then of an impending break through in a vaccine for AIDS. A vaccine for AIDS, discovered from the link to the vampire virus. During the month of June 1998, both NBC and ABC first gave the announcement of a new AIDS vaccine in development.

Just prior to that was released the news announcing a gene, newly discovered, that lengthened the life of a fruit fly by twice its normal life span. OK, laugh. It does sound funny, but it is most important. That gene, in an insect, was gained from gene mapping, isolating, and gene construction, and the same is possible and already being done with humans.
The V5 is accessed because of a special and rare gene some people have and which can be passed on through or by infection into a host. Next there will be further announcements of the life extension program already in effect for humans. Soon to follow, other announcements about gene splicing, genetic engineering and gene manipulation which had already been performed on lesser animals.

The DNA of a jellyfish were implanted into developing mouse embryos. The result? The unification of 2 non-related creatures which resulted in a litter of healthy mice, which actually glowed in the dark, the way a jellyfish glows in the darkness of the depths of the sea. Just 'Google' mice jellyfish. That's all you have to enter, two words, mice jellyfish, (don't use quotation marks) and click search, you'll find the articles! No one believes me when I say these things but they are true.

Genetic mapping, and genetic coding of viruses will explain the V5 more fully to those not knowledgeable in medical or genetic terminology. Discovery of the V5 will make a huge difference when formally announced.

Think for a moment what the full impact of such ramifications would mean.
What would happen to the nation's, to the world's, population if vampires were proven to be real? Real, but not at all like the myths or legends.

First the fear. Vampires are stronger, faster, etc. They could easily take jobs. They tend to be smarter and more mentally adept, more psychic. Could they then dominate and control normal humans?

The hatred. Humans cannot even live with their own kind in peace. How can they live with actual vampires?

The envy, Vampires live longer, stay young looking longer. How many normal people would want to be able to do the same?

Population. So many of them and they live longer. Less housing, less food and what else would they use longer than normal people?

And what about the religious issues? The old church views are that all vampires are evil or in league with evil. How many righteous people would like to see them dead? How many hunters would like to see them dead? (See Real Hunters link elsewhere on this site)

The government would want them for soldiers and laborers and so would other countries. Not to mention forcibly studying them like lab animals.

What about the vampire himself/herself? Their safety gone, they are exposed, people who fear, hate or admire them, and all now know the vampire truly exists.

How does society cope with something that it has been told for a millennium does not exist?

How does the world establishment tell the populous of the existence of something believed to be myth and evil?

How does one go about integrating a newly identified species into the human community?

Very, very slowly and carefully.
To understand how DNA is altered by virus, we shall now look at normal genetic coding. I apologize that there is no way to really simplify this.

Genetic code. The ability to use more than one codon to specify a particular amino acid requires many different (mRNA) as many amino acids as there are triplets. The corresponding number of codon synonyms and (tRNA) results in the correspondence in (mRNA) transcription. The attraction between the (tRNA) and the triplets of the (mRNA) depends on the corresponding codon and the anticodon. The degeneration of the code has a pattern for all amino acids that have 2, 3, or 4 synonyms for the first 2 bases, one or more triplets.

There may be a question as to where the triplets overlap.
Example: a sequence of AUGGUGG Where a non overlapping code 2 amino acids, methioine (AUG) and prypothan (UGG) or could this really be 4 amino acids? Methioine (AUG), cysteiniel (UGU), valine (GUG), and tryptophaine (UGG)? Really bad problems can come from over lapping sequence AAU and AAC which may then read as AAUAAAC. This code could not be followed by methioine because the overlapping codon which resets UGA is a terminator codon.

It was once believed that any one particular codon that specified an amino acid meant the same acid in all organisms. But it has been noted that there are exceptions in humans; to note these exceptions, go to the genetic code. Each (tRNA) molecule has 2 important functions.
1.To attach itself to a certain amino acid

2.To place the acid in its proper place in the protein.
To do both jobs a sort of relocation site must exist in the (tRNA). The anticodon is the compliment of a certain messenger in the (mRNA).
Before you can understand what the vampire virus is and how it works, it is necessary to understand a bit of genetics and virus in general.

Because the vampire virus is closely related to, or you might say a cousin to, both the flu and the AIDS virus or to more properly say, related to the virus which goes on to cause HIV in humans. This statement simply means V5 is a retro-virus. The things which makes it so difficult to believe, and in fact is why most cannot believe in the existence of the vampire virus, is the lack of general understanding of how the v-virus can and does alter the human DNA to permit the vampire symptoms and maladies to take effect on the once human body. Most people do not believe the human DNA can be so drastically altered.

This is a strange problem, since all retro viruses (except for perhaps some bacteria which are, of course, not viruses) and one form of RNA, viruses do most commonly change the cell DNA and take over the individual cell's original DNA. It commonly occurs in the flu virus and in the HIV virus, both of which are related to the V5 virus.

To better understand how this virus works and how genetics plays a part in the inherited factors, we must first look at the basics of human genetic coding and regular and retro viruses.

Those of you who have already had this in class, will see this is basic text book stuff found in any source for the study of genes or genetic coding. You have already read the above basics of genetic coding and how important the sequence of amino acids and bases are to the virus and its function in a cell.
Genetic coding is the means by which hereditary traits are passed from one human, or other species, on to another of its own kind in birth. Genetic code is the exact chemical equation by which the information making heredity is passed on from the genes to the proteins such as hemoglobin or pepsin. These and other proteins are the ladder which structures the human body. Enliens, pollypeptides, and hormones all serve to regulate these chemical reactions in the body. Chromosomes are located in the Nucleic Acids.

The DNA or RNA of each Gene is responsible for making the Protein involved in the development of each trait. Species allow Genes to have the same effect on all its members in the same manner and so effect all its members from generation to generation of that species.

The codon is the main unit. The Codon is involved with the structure of nucleic acid. Both DNA and RNA are composed of a special sequence of individual units called nucleotides. Each nucleotide consists of three smaller units, a phosphate, a slayer, (No not THAT kind of 'slayer') and a base.
There are 4 types of Base in DNA. Adenine, Guanine, Cytosine are double rings called PURINES and the last component Thymine, is a single ring component called Pyrimidines in RNA. Uracilis is pyrimidine in RNA, wherever Thymine would be found in DNA. The key is the bases, and how they are arranged, and in which sequence in a chain of single strand of (rnRNA) or DNA.

There are 20 different amino acids in proteins but only 4 bases. Nucleotide bases that is. This provides for 4x4x4 different and specific bases, 64 codons. There are more combinations actually but these are all we need to look at right now to realize the structure can be greatly varied as to acids and bases. With the exception of 3 of the 64 codons, each specifies one of the 20 amino acids in the proteins.

Most acids have more than one codon but some have triplets as we have previously seen. The codons which specify are known as the synonyms for the amino acid. During the bonding the protein transfers to the genes the information. This occurs in 2 parts, transcription and translation. The transcription acts as the triplet on which the RNA pollynuecliotide chain, called the messenger RNA (mRNA).
The messenger carries the genetic code from the acids to the cell's nucleus, to the nucleus of the ribosomes in the cytoplasms of the cell. During the transcription (mRNA) is attached to the ribosomes which are sections of three actual proteins. (mRNA) CODON determines the sequence of amino acid in the protein. Synthesis each acid is connected to the ribosomes molecule of transcription. (tRNA) which has, in its nucleus, a sequence of three nucleotide bases. Contained in an anticodon, and is complementary to a particular codon in the (tRNA). An attraction hydrogen binding helps alter the RNA and (mRNA). During this bonding a particular amino acid is transferred to the polypeptide chain.

Doctors originally thought that only one strand, the sense strand, of a double strand DNA contained the actual gene transcription into the RNA directly. The other strand, the antisense strand, was believed to function only as a replication. But this has now changed. It has since been learned that in some cases both strands are transcribed. This is considered a newer break through, something not known a number of years ago. Whichever antisense RNA is transcribed into protein or remains as RNA and may be a regulator to the sequence.

This is believed but has not been officially established.

In order for the Acid chain to be divided into sequence, each has to have a specific message signal showing the beginning and end of each sequence. (mRNA) contains a special codon at both ends of this message, one that initiates and one that ends the transcription of the Code. The triplet for the methioine (AUG) is the initiator codon for the protein synthesis. When first formed, polypeptide chains have methinomine as the first amino acid.

During the transcription process or after the protein chain is completed some changes are usually made by the cellular entyines, and these form the foundation protein. One of these changes is sometimes the removal of methioine. There are 2 types of cells, eukarotic and prorkryotic. The difference is prorkryotic cells don't have a nucleus and rarely have a membrane. Both have DNA codons called nonsense codons such as UAA, UAG, or UGA ... carry anticodons and cannot be transcribed. (mRNA) codon is found in the messenger.

2 komentar:

  1. Being a vampire is not what it seems like. It’s a life full of good, and amazing things. We are as human as you are.. It’s not what you are that counts, but how you choose to be. Do you want a life full of interesting things? Do you want to have power and influence over others? To be charming and desirable? To have wealth, health, and longevity? contact the vampires creed today via email: Richvampirekindom@gmail.com

  2. Being a vampire is not what it seems like. It’s a life full of good, and amazing things. We are as human as you are.. It’s not what you are that counts, but how you choose to be. Do you want a life full of interesting things? Do you want to have power and influence over others? To be charming and desirable? To have wealth, health, and longevity? contact the vampires creed today via email: Richvampirekindom@gmail.com
